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Come watch the “Flamin’ Hot” movie with LUL to learn about Latin Heritage.
Monthly outing as part of the dPS Fellowship. Fellows will be participating in a guided tour of the Museum of Durham History.
Need a headshot for an internship, application, or LinkedIn? Come get a free headshot with us on October 21st! Dress in business/formal attire or whatever you feel comfortable in!
Help decorate Marsha’s Home’s new bench in Craven Quad! Enjoy wings, fries, and music while decorating the bench with symbols of the LGBTQ+ community!
Hosted by Duke Consulting Club, mandatory for DCC Community Consulting members and open to all those on the DCC listserv. This will be an introduction to excel, as applicable to consulting!
In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of putting images on screens with photo emulsion, ink mixing, and how to effectively use a squeegee to put ink through the screen and print an image. Everyone will get many chances to print, and at the end of the event you’ll have a deluxe, one-of-a-kind, 2-color poster to take home!
Accelerate to Industry (A2i) is an industry workforce readiness program for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers developed by the NC State University Graduate School. The program provides students with knowledge, skills, and abilities that establish long-term professional success through a variety of modules that offer networking opportunities, discussion panels, presentations, worksh…
Accelerate to Industry (A2i) is an industry workforce readiness program for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers developed by the NC State University Graduate School. The program provides students with knowledge, skills, and abilities that establish long-term professional success through a variety of modules that offer networking opportunities, discussion panels, presentations, worksh…
Calling all first year students of the African/African American Diaspora! Join the Mary Lou as we host another Breaking Bread event! Get to know other first year students and the Mary Lou staff over free food, great music and conversation.
Restorying, a term borrowed from Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe, invites us to understand how refugee subjects have produced narratives that articulate their lives and experiences outside of neat binaries. Achebe defines restorying as “a balance of stories where every people will be able to contribute to a definition of themselves, where we are not victims of other people’s accounts.” Thus, Rest…
General Body Meeting for members of the Duke Medical Ethics Journal.
Come check out our arts supplies, kits, and use our space! Come create with us!