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Wind down with a walk around the East Campus loop with your fellow classmates! You can walk and talk, walk and listen to music, or simply just walk! We will meet at Brodie Gym and will finish with a quick stretch on the East Campus Quad.
Calling all first year students of the African/African American Diaspora! Join the Mary Lou as we host another Breaking Bread event! Get to know other first year students and the Mary Lou staff over free food, great music and conversation.
Restorying, a term borrowed from Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe, invites us to understand how refugee subjects have produced narratives that articulate their lives and experiences outside of neat binaries. Achebe defines restorying as “a balance of stories where every people will be able to contribute to a definition of themselves, where we are not victims of other people’s accounts.” Thus, Rest…
General Body Meeting for members of the Duke Medical Ethics Journal.
Weekly stand-up comedy meetings where members can practice their material, watch stand-up comedy clips, and provide feedback on each other’s material.
Join the Duke Climate Coalition’s weekly meeting to work on our climate action campaigns!
Meetings for members to prepare for the NCL and NCCDC competitions.
ASA is giving out tickets to the state fair for potential beans and sprouts (and also any other members of ASA who would like to go).
Learn to make a twined basket. Using wetted reed, you will learn a simple basket weaving technique that will make a quick and lovely container. All materials are provided.
An event for club members and other interested students, we’ll be watching suggested shows.
Join LUL and MASA as we create miniature ofrendas for Day of the Dead celebration!
Join us for a self-defense class led by Club Krav Maga!