Found 14155 matches
ASL Lessons offered free to Duke students. Weekly Mondays 7-8PM.
A time dedicated to study the Bible, ask questions about faith, and bond with other members.
Tutoring students at the Cristo Rey School in downtown Durham
DSC members will volunteer at Lowe’s Grove science class.
Keohane Quad hosts bi-weekly themed brunches with special guests/foods/entertainment!
Open to All Undergrad & Grad Students–All Levels, No Experience Necessary! Meet at the East Campus Pickleball Courts! Join Duke Club Pickleball:
This event will be for our beginning of the year climbing practice at Triangle Rock Club in Durham
Weekly meeting.
General body meeting of Duke BioByte
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (2/2)
Weekly meeting to discuss future fundraising and volunteering plans.
BOW Exec Meeting