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General body meeting for Catalyst organization.
Weekly Meeting for Moot Court members
Weekly meetings to discuss editorial and website uploads.
Come join Duke STEM Connect for our weekly general body meetings!
DISC will make bi-weekly drop-offs to Social Security, every second and fourth Monday of the month. We depart from Smith Warehouse, at 9:00 am. Our office is 114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Bay 5, Second Floor. Enter the building through Bay 6, take the stairs to the left or go through doors and access the elevator with Bay 6 to the second floor.
Tutoring students at the Cristo Rey School in downtown Durham
DSC members will volunteer for the Hillside High School after-school science club.
DSC members will volunteer for the Hillside High School after-school science club.
Speaker event with Elliot Wong. Guest speaker will be on zoom and students will gather in room to tune in
Bootcamp for new members
General Body Meeting, open to all members, guest speakers, mentorships opportunities, DAT resources, and application advice for dental schools
Latinx Business Organization General Body Meeting