Found 14143 matches
Club practice for Duke MMA
Students who are a part of NeuroCare will brainstorm on-campus mental health advocacy and education initiatives
General body meeting for Catalyst organization.
BOW Exec Meeting
A spiritual dinner for anyone interested in exploring Christian faith and spirituality in an open and affirming space
Come join Duke STEM Connect for our weekly general body meetings!
Monthly DMSLC Speaker Series with Katherine Adams (MSL, Sanofi) who will be discussing the topic of MSL interview process.
DSC members will volunteer for the Hillside High School after-school science club.
DSC members will volunteer for the Hillside High School after-school science club.
DSC members will volunteer for the Hillside High School after-school science club.
Speaker event with Elliot Wong. Guest speaker will be on zoom and students will gather in room to tune in
Bootcamp for new members