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Come enjoy some Fantuans (riceballs)!
Come have some freaky fun with the Black Student Alliance before you go out for night!
Viewing party for critically acclaimed film, “Napoleon Dynamite”. Part of recruitment period
Join KAjok in celebrating Halloween!
DIIG training program
Open to All Undergrad & Grad Students–All Levels, No Experience Necessary! Meet at the East Campus Pickleball Courts! Join Duke Club Pickleball:
Duke students will advocate for the protection of human life at all stages throughout the Triangle area.
Annual Halloween Party for fellowship and fun
Dashain, also known as “Vijaya Dashami,” is one of the most significant and widely celebrated festivals in Nepal. It’s a Hindu festival that lasts for 15 days. Dashain is a time for families to come together and celebrate with various rituals and traditions.
Join us for our Fall General Body Meeting (GBM) to get caught up on KAjok’s future events and plans in sharing Korean American culture!
Second committee meeting for UNICEF-Durham Affairs.
Join us this Thursday from 7-8 and watch “They Never left: indigenous return and reclamation in the southeast” by duke alumni Quinn Smith while enjoying boba in cma wekit”