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This is a small discussion led by peer counselors who have taken the Condoms & Counseling house course on a topic regarding sexual health.
The group is composed of graduate and professional students from a variety of disciplines who wish to discuss in respectful and thoughtful manners topics related to science and religion.
Our weekly Graduate/Professional students Bible Study
DQF Education on Thursdays for enlarged class.
General Meeting to discuss club events
General Meeting to discuss club events
farmer’s market
Faculty Seminar Series on Physics Topics
Jackson will tutor small groups of moot court members.
Join Creative Writing to help you relax, have a moment of peace during your week, and build resilience while finding strength and community in sharing your stories through writing. Writing is a mindful activity that encourages expressing your emotions, thinking introspectively, sharing your gratitude, and having fun through poetry, short stories, and more! This group meets every Thursday fr…
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).