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Join us for our Fall General Body Meeting (GBM) to get caught up on KAjok’s future events and plans in sharing Korean American culture!
Second committee meeting for UNICEF-Durham Affairs.
Join us this Thursday from 7-8 and watch “They Never left: indigenous return and reclamation in the southeast” by duke alumni Quinn Smith while enjoying boba in cma wekit”
This is the Fall 2023 semester production of DCT. We are going to perform a Chinese comedy, Goodbye Mr. Loser.
Jamie Harris and Trevor Watts /// 11/16/2023 /// Doors ~7:00pm, Music ~8:00pm $10 at door (NOTAFLOF), Free with Duke ID All ages concert Address: 10 Epworth Dorm Ln (Crowell Building), Durham, NC 27705
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
DQF Education on Thursdays for enlarged class.
Our weekly Graduate/Professional students Bible Study
This moment of mindfulness aims to combine these two things in a care-free, fun, interactive program for first-year students and the larger Duke community. Coffee and Coloring offers a space for students to decompress and learn about the art of coffee making and brewing while enjoying the East Oasis space. We hope this program pushes students to explore what wellness can look like for them at D…
We will gather together to read the Bible and grow in faith.