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Preparing and serving a dinner at Durham Rescue Mission’s homeless shelter.
How much do you really know about all of your favortie tv shows? Come find out @ Teen Drama Trivia
Weekly meetings with training in BP Format and practice rounds.
Come join us as we watch Medicine Man, a captivating documentary that follows the unlikely journey of British-born Amazonian cowboy turned star of Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, Stan Brock, as he sacrifices everything for his life-changing mission to bring free healthcare to remote and underserved communities across America.
A math competition open to all high school students international and national-wise.
dPS Fellows conducting weekly volunteering with StudentU tutoring and gardening.
dPS Fellows conducting weekly volunteering with StudentU tutoring and gardening.
presenting new members to the community
General Body Meetings are open to everyone! Join for social, professional, and volunteering events!
Join us at ENCounter every Thursday evening at 7:30pm in Westbrooke 0014 for a time of worship, fellowship, and engaging with the Word as we grow together in community.
The Wind Symphony’s second concert of the semester, featuring select works by our guest composer, Michael Markowski.
This event is for Agapé’s recurring bible study with undergraduate students.