Found 14149 matches
Club practice for Duke MMA
General body meeting for Catalyst organization.
Weekly Meeting for Moot Court members
Weekly meetings to discuss editorial and website uploads.
General Body Meetings are open to everyone! Join for social, professional, and volunteering events!
acapella rehearsal
Celebrate connections old and new at this Homecoming mixer with student groups across campus. Join our paint & sip led by a local Sudanese artist and enjoy our mocktail bar.
Demo Days for Deadlifting is a hands-on workshop to teach participants how to Deadlift or give tips on form for those that have some experience. This is led by Duke Certified Personal Trainers. Come learn and let them share their expertise. Space is limited. Pre-registration is required on MyRec.
Join Marsha’s Home for their first ever movie night! It’ll be a fun opportunity to watch a piece of queer media and get to know the other members of the LLC.
Please join NPHC, BSA and DBA for this year’s Black Duke Hoco Tailgate!
Join us and 2 instructors to learn to knit if you’re a beginner or bring your current knitting project and hang out!
Tashi Dorji and Dave Rempis Duo (With Crowmeat Bob and Libby Rodenbough) /// 10/05/2023 /// Doors ~7:00pm, Music ~8:00pm $10 Tickets available at door, Free with Duke ID All ages concert Address: 10 Epworth Dorm Ln (Crowell Building), Durham, NC 27705