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Join Graduate and Professional Student Services (GPSS) and the Duke International Student Center (DISC) for a tailgate before the homecoming football game against Notre Dame! Free food and drinks provided, first 100 attendees will receive a free clear DISC stadium bag!
meeting new members and other undergrads at the notre dame tailgate
Social event for club members and any student interested. It is a watchparty of shows suggested by club members beforehand.
Get to know other members of the mixed community at Duke while playing with puppies!
Caroline Ryskiewich, a coordinator at Dementia Inclusive, Inc. (DII) will speak about dementia and creative engagement in our community! Extremely critical event for volunteers!
Latinx Business Organization General Body Meeting
This is the biweekly meeting to discuss foreign policy and upcoming club activities.
Speaker event
We will gather together to read the Bible and grow in faith.
General Meeting to discuss club events
Student organizations and groups are vital parts of Duke student and campus life. At Duke University Archives (UA), we can help you find out more about your group’s history and help preserve your legacy. The first part of this session will introduce you to the University Archives and the historic records of student organizations we hold. The second half of the session will focus on how you can …
Learn about the event policies on campus, how to book event spaces, and tips and tricks for hosting a successful event.