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Planning on recruiting for consulting? Not sure where to begin in the casing process? Come join the Consulting Committee as we demystify the case interview and give tips on the best ways to prepare!
Enjoying donuts with fellow restoration enthusiasts to learn about DSER, our Fall Break trip plans, and open board positions.
First general body meeting for Sanford Women in Policy
Join Duke Consulting Club and Bain Capital to learn about the recruitment cycle, important deadlines, and other opportunities. This will be a networking event, allowing you to engage and connect with current Bain recruiters and consultants. This event is open to all Duke undergraduate students (please just sign up for the Duke Consulting Club listserv)!
Intro to tech recruiting for all classes
DukeEngage 2023 students will be celebrating their summer by sharing with each other what they learned and accomplished. Prospective students wanting to get a better sense of what DukeEngage is about are welcome to sit in on these presentations in Nelson Music Room, East Duke 201. *Note that not all of these programs will repeat in 2024: info about next year’s programs (app deadline Nov 1) …
Social Hosts are members of the Duke community who are required to be present at all on-campus events where alcohol is present. Social Hosts are sober, active bystanders that assist in promoting safe, social behaviors to ensure that the event ends well for all those attending. The workshop will cover: Your role as a Social Host. How you can promote safe, social behaviors. How your organization…
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer, the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. As a QPR-trained Gatekeeper, you will learn…
When in spaces with peers, it may be a challenge for students to provide one another feedback. But you don’t have to avoid it! In this session, we will discuss some best practices on how to effectively navigate conflict, hold your peers accountable, and provide valuable feedback to one another so you can all work together to be your best.
Want to know how to get members interested in your organization? Do you have lots of people sign up and want to motivate them to stay involved? In this session, we’ll discuss how you can recruit and retain members in your student organization.
We talk about belonging a lot a Duke, but what does it actually mean and why does it matter to your organization? In this session, we’ll cover why belonging matters to the success of your organization and how to build it for your members!