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In this session, student organization leaders will learn about 1) how to extend the impact of their organization beyond their term and 2) how to amplify their programming beyond the scope of Duke’s campus by cultivating meaningful alumni connections.
Join SOP Finance & SOFC to discuss the difference between us and who best to go to for the various needs of your organization! Come ready to think through some of your events that may need funding and payments as we will provide helpful best practices when thinking through your financial needs.
Student organizations and groups are vital parts of Duke student and campus life. At Duke University Archives (UA), we can help you find out more about your group’s history and help preserve your legacy. The first part of this session will introduce you to the University Archives and the historic records of student organizations we hold. The second half of the session will focus on how you can …
Foundations of Engagement, a set of modules developed through a cross-campus collaboration, provides an opportunity to explore essential questions related to community engagement. In this introductory session, we address topics of identity and positionality, power and partnerships, and root cause analysis.
In this session, student group leaders will learn about the standards and expectations for members of the Duke Community. As leaders who have shared ownership and responsibility for the safety, sense of belonging, and inclusion of our Duke Community student leaders will learn what they can do to ensure the standards in our community are upheld and Duke’s campus remains a safe and civil learnin…
When in spaces with peers, it may be a challenge for students to provide one another feedback. But you don’t have to avoid it! In this session, we will discuss some best practices on how to effectively navigate conflict, hold your peers accountable, and provide valuable feedback to one another so you can all work together to be your best.
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer, the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. As a QPR-trained Gatekeeper, you will learn…
What should I say to my friend during Ramadan? Why can’t one of our organization members meet on Saturday mornings? Why is one of our council members fasting during this time? How is our yoga class connected to Hinduism? If you have ever had these questions or others like it, this conversation is for you. This will be a guided conversation on how to acknowledge and respect the various cultural…
Meetings can sometimes be the least fun and most frustrating aspect of being in a student organization. Come to this session to discuss how to improve your meetings to make your organization more effective, efficient, and fun!
Foundations of Engagement, a set of modules developed through a cross-campus collaboration, provides an opportunity to explore essential questions related to community engagement. In this introductory session, we address topics of identity and positionality, power and partnerships, and root cause analysis.
Acapella all day rehearsal
Description forthcoming. Check back soon!