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We are welcoming/introducing the new members of the Duke Friends of Israel club or the 2023-2024 year.
Seminar for new students on leadership development
In this workshop, we’ll practice using embroidery on paper to highlight the natural beauty of vintage photographs and create a new piece of art. You’ll learn the basics of embroidery and how to use the practice on materials other than fabric. We’ll have materials you can work with, or you can bring your own photos!
DSC members will volunteer for the Durham School of Technology After School Club
DSC members will volunteer at Lowe’s Grove science class.
BOW New Member Event
Duke Consulting Club Community Consulting program workshop on basics of consulting. Mandatory for all Community Consulting members, open to all students on the Duke Consulting Club listserv. Will outline recruiting timelines and general process.
Join us for a picnic in the gardens with NAISA, Mi Gente and AMPD!!! There will also be tote bag & bucket hat decorating!!!
Jewish Life at Duke and the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity are delighted to co-sponsor Pride Shabbat to honor the movement for LGBTQ+ equality and inclusion and to commit to the work ahead. Join us on Friday to celebrate and honor our LGBTQ+ community! All are welcome! Join us on Friday for Shabbat services and dinner! Shabbat services start at 6 pm (don’t miss Good Thing of the Week…
Chess Tournament held at Duke University
Check out art supplies, kits, and use our space!
A fun night for members or interested students to hang out together and watch the new seasonal shows that are coming out for the Fall 2023 anime season.