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DSC members will volunteer for the Durham School of Technology After School Club
DSC members will volunteer at Lowe’s Grove science class.
DSC members will volunteer for the Hillside High School after-school science club.
farmer’s market
DSC members will volunteer for the Hillside High School after-school science club.
DSC members will volunteer for the Hillside High School after-school science club.
ASL Lessons offered free to Duke students. Weekly Mondays 7-8PM.
Hosting first General Body Meeting to discuss previous Blood Drive, future volunteering opportunities, incentive system, etc.
A fun night for members or interested students to hang out together and watch the new seasonal shows that are coming out for the Fall 2023 anime season.
A chance for Black Women on campus to come together for a picnic and build community.
Brunch following 11:00 am mass for all students to build fellowship
Come check out our art supplies, kits, and use our space!