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DSC members will volunteer in Rogers-Herr science classes.
Happy hour following general body meeting
Come check out our art supplies, kits, and use our space!
Come join the Duke School of Medicine LMSA chapter in celebrating hispanic and Latinx heritage as well as recognizing our amazing community! All are welcome.
DSC members will volunteer for the Hillside High School after-school science club.
When in spaces with peers, it may be a challenge for students to provide one another feedback. But you don’t have to avoid it! In this session, we will discuss some best practices on how to effectively navigate conflict, hold your peers accountable, and provide valuable feedback to one another so you can all work together to be your best.
Meetings for members to prepare for the NCL and NCCDC competitions.
Motorsports Team members will be presenting and receiving feedback on all design decisions made for the car to date.
General Meeting to discuss club events
General Meeting to discuss club events
farmer’s market
Leadership requires daring to build relationships, to be vulnerable, and to be resilient. In this session, we’ll discuss behaviors for leaders to move from armored leadership into daring leadership.