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Large Group is a service of worship in the Christian tradition. There will be singing of songs from the Christian tradition and a short talk based on a portion of the Bible. There will be an opportunity for connecting with other students. Large Group is open to Duke students of all faith backgrounds and religious identities.
Join us as we read and listen to small portions of the Qur’an in Arabic. Afterwards, we will engage in group reflection and discussion of the meaning.
Join the Fajr Breakfast Club every weekday morning at the CML! Pray Fajr together at the CML’s prayer room. On Wednesdays, the CML will provide breakfast to enjoy afterwards! Starting Monday 8/29, the CML will provide a Duke Van to transport students to and from East Campus and the CML center on West Campus
Info Session #1
Give yourself the time to embark on a crafting project that allows you to be creative! This session invites you to make something that you can take with you as an ongoing reminder of how important it is to lean into your imagination. Materials will be provided, no experience necessary! This group meets every Wednesday from 7:00PM-8:00PM in the Student Wellness Center Room 148.
This is the second round of deliberations after our Round 2 of recruitment.
DIIG’s information session for interested applicants to learn more about our organization, what we do, what makes us unique, as well as to ask questions about our application and recruiting process.
Duke International Student Center will drop off students and scholars at Social Security
Duke International Student Center will drop off students and scholars at Social Security
Rehearsing for our OShow performances, which are Aug 27 @ 11pm and Aug 28 @ 5:30pm, 11pm. **PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE EARLY MOVE IN**
Please join Mi Gente and the Center for Multicultural Affairs in welcoming our Latinx/o/é community to Duke University! This event is open to students of Latinx descent and friends. First years and transfer students are highly encouraged to attend.
Scale & Coin Fall 2022 Recruitment – Speed Dating