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General Meeting to discuss club events
General Meeting to discuss club events
farmer’s market
acapella rehearsal
Bi-weekly practice
Come celebration National Coming Out Day 2023 with the Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity and the rest of the Duke community!! We are excited to take over the Bryan Center Plaza for a day of LGBTQ+ pride, joy, and solidarity. Stop by to grab your National Coming Out Day 2023 shirt, engage with various campus partner, and have a good time!!
October meeting to discuss fellowship opportunities for MSLs
The Exec body for Duke Debate has its meetings from 7-8pm on Thursdays prior to practices.
Weekly meetings with training in BP Format and practice rounds.
Come to Lake Ridge Aero Park for their biannual Fly-In! There will be lunch provided by the aero park, so please bring a donation.
Training/Orientation for all New Senators/Cabinet members
Students who are a part of NeuroCare will brainstorm on-campus mental health advocacy and education initiatives