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Bring in the spooky season with a Dungeons and Dragons Murder Mystery! Welcome to Graymoor, a small, sleepy town with some odd characters and some odd murders. No experience required, character sheets will be provided.
The Vertices Artistic Design and Website Committee will be meeting. Come join us to learn about the committee! There will also be free food 🙂
Curious to know who you were matched up with? Wondering who your “Parents” are? If you are a part of Mi Gente’s Familia Program, come find out who you were matched up with!
Celebration of Disorientation Week with snacks and sports games.
Duke Diya will be hosting Triangle Garba on October 7th, 2023 in Penn Pavilion. This event is open to all Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, and NC State students to attend! It will be an electric night, full of dancing and the opportunity to meet some amazing people.
Swingin’ Under the Stars is a semi-annual social dancing event open to all members of the Duke community and others in the wider Triangle swing dancing community. This event is an excellent opportunity for dancers of all levels: there will be an introductory lesson for beginning dancers. There will be live jazz music! No experience or partner required!
From the folks who hosted the East Campus Carnival, come to the Front Quad to celebrate the return of Devils After Dark!! Start off this spooky month with some fun festive activities, snacks, music, and good vibes!!
Students who are a part of NeuroCare will brainstorm on-campus mental health advocacy and education initiatives
Dance class hosted at Emily K Center. Duke Dance Expressions teaches dance classes to underprivileged children across Durham.
Chew@Few is a weekly event hosted in Few where residents gather to eat delicious foods and develop community !
Team One Love at Duke will be tabling from 10:00 to 1:00 on Friday October 6th on BC Plaza. We will be spreading awareness of our presence as a campus organization and sharing our mission, educating on the qualities of healthy and unhealthy relationships. Students who visit our table will receive a free Insomnia Cookie!
On behalf of the Student Council, we are happy to invite you to the Global Week seminars! Everyone is welcome – please share the event with your friends, classmates, colleagues, alumni, and all who are interested in learning about global environmental challenges. We are hosting a group of speakers from various backgrounds, including some of our very own professional students! All seminars will …