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This event, featuring El Futuro, will discuss topics relating to mental health in the Latinx Community. El Futuro is an organization that seeks to provide services and trainings related to mental health and substance abuse, particularly to Latinx immigrant families.
Interested in consulting? Curious as to what DEI in consulting looks like? Join us for a DEIxConsulting presentation on recruitment opportunities, deadlines and experiences!
Facilitation meeting with the Clark Scholars
Exec members will give motors small group tutoring.
In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of putting images on screens with photo emulsion, ink mixing, and how to effectively use a squeegee to put ink through the screen and print an image. Everyone will get many chances to print, and at the end of the event you’ll have a deluxe, one-of-a-kind, 2-color poster to take home!
Karina and Darshan will mentor mooters weekly.
Interested in Diversified Industries? Join us for an overview of the industries we cover. We’ll do crash course on the healthcare, legal / public policy, entertainment, and marketing sectors, including important skills, the recruiting timeline, and more! You’ll also hear from a panel of upperclassmen successfully working in those industries, with time for Q&A.
Join us at the Duke Gardens for a picnic and games! Fruit, cheese, and cookies will be provided! Bring picnic blankets if you have any:)
Come learn how to draw a site plan (or what a site plan is)!
This moment of mindfulness aims to combine these two things in a care-free, fun, interactive program for first-year students and the larger Duke community. Coffee and Coloring offers a space for students to decompress and learn about the art of coffee making and brewing while enjoying the East Oasis space. We hope this program pushes students to explore what wellness can look like for them at D…
Be a Duke Rockstar for a Day: Be a Guide for some Durham First-Gen 8th Graders! We have a sweet deal for you. How would you like to receive a classy t-shirt, eat a pizza lunch, and experience the new Bryan Center Studio, while assisting Durham 8th graders in preparing for college? Three hundred first-gen-to-college students are coming to campus for our 23rd School Days program. We divide st…
We will be traveling to Deep River to shoot sporting clays