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MEMS with Tashi Dorji /// 10/21/2023 /// Doors ~7:00pm, Music ~8:00pm $10 at door (NOTAFLOF), Free with Duke ID All ages concert Address: 10 Epworth Dorm Ln (Crowell Building), Durham, NC 27705
draag me (with Chanel Beads) /// 10/23/2023 /// Doors ~7:00pm, Music ~8:00pm $10 at door (NOTAFLOF), Free with Duke ID All ages concert Address: 10 Epworth Dorm Ln (Crowell Building), Durham, NC 27705
Come and learn about opportunities in film at Duke!
Join Creative Writing to help you relax, have a moment of peace during your week, and build resilience while finding strength and community in sharing your stories through writing. Writing is a mindful activity that encourages expressing your emotions, thinking introspectively, sharing your gratitude, and having fun through poetry, short stories, and more! This group meets every Thursday fr…
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (1/2).
General Meeting to discuss club events
Engineering Student Government sponsored social.
Weekly stand-up comedy meetings where members can practice their material, watch stand-up comedy clips, and provide feedback on each other’s material.
Join the Duke Climate Coalition’s weekly meeting to work on our climate action campaigns!
Meetings for members to prepare for the NCL and NCCDC competitions.
Robert Marlay from the Department of Energy will be joining us for a fireside chat.