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FEATURING FRANKIE ALEXANDER, EVE CORNELIOUS, LOIS DELOATCH, NNENNA FREELON AND ADIA LEDBETTER Jazz pianist, composer, and mentor Yusuf Salim — known by the community as Brother Yusuf — was born in Baltimore, immersed in the booming jazz scene there and spent the last three decades of his life transforming the musical landscape in Durham, NC. In his adopted hometown, Brother Yusuf became a cult…
Featuring Gabrielius Alekna, piano Our resident ensemble, The Ciompi Quartet, begins their season this evening with a quartet by Haydn, reviving a Ciompi tradition. They follow with a dynamic set of comparatively contemporary works by three female composers. Sofia Gubaidulina and Shelley Washington both organized their works around Sol (the pitch G), but they go in remarkably different direc…
Come dressed in your best costume & boo-gie with BSA and Mi Gente
Club practice for Duke MMA
Come hang out at the Freeman Center on Sunday morning – catch up with friends, and nosh on a bagel (and coffee, of course!). No RSVP necessary – just bring your bagel-loving-self!
Students who are a part of NeuroCare will brainstorm on-campus mental health advocacy and education initiatives
Join our Halloween Kickback at the CSGD on Friday Oct.27th, 4pm-6pm for an afternoon of pumpkin carving, painting, and tasty treats! If you require any accommodations for this event, please contact us at least one week in advance at: 919-684-6607 or
Dance class hosted at Emily K Center. Duke Dance Expressions teaches dance classes to underprivileged children across Durham.
acapella rehearsal
General Body Meetings are open to everyone! Join for social, professional, and volunteering events!
The Wind Symphony’s first formal concert of the academic year, together with the Eastern Carolina University Symphonic Wind Ensemble.
Join us at ENCounter every Thursday evening at 7:30pm in Westbrooke 0014 for a time of worship, fellowship, and engaging with the Word as we grow together in community.