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A time dedicated for upperclassmen to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members!
A time dedicated for first years to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members.
Large Group is a service of worship in the Christian tradition. There will be singing of songs from the Christian tradition and a short talk based on a portion of the Bible. There will be an opportunity for connecting with other students. Large Group is open to Duke students of all faith backgrounds and religious identities.
DISC will make drop-offs to DMV every second Thursday of the month. We leave by 8:30 a.m. at Smith Warehouse, Bay 5, second floor.
DISC will make bi-weekly drop-offs to Social Security, every second and fourth Monday of the month. We depart from Smith Warehouse, at 9:00 am. Our office is 114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Bay 5, Second Floor. Enter the building through Bay 6, take the stairs to the left or go through doors and access the elevator with Bay 6 to the second floor.
DISC will make bi-weekly drop-offs to Social Security, every second and fourth Monday of the month. We depart from Smith Warehouse, at 9:00 am. Our office is 114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Bay 5, Second Floor. Enter the building through Bay 6, take the stairs to the left or go through doors and access the elevator with Bay 6 to the second floor.
DISC will make drop-offs to DMV every second Thursday of the month. We leave by 8:30 a.m. at Smith Warehouse, Bay 5, second floor.
DISC will make bi-weekly drop-offs to Social Security, every second and fourth Monday of the month. We depart from Smith Warehouse, at 9:00 am. Our office is 114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Bay 5, Second Floor. Enter the building through Bay 6, take the stairs to the left or go through doors and access the elevator with Bay 6 to the second floor.
DISC will make drop-offs to DMV every second Thursday of the month. We leave by 8:30 a.m. at Smith Warehouse, Bay 5, second floor.
DISC will make bi-weekly drop-offs to Social Security, every second and fourth Monday of the month. We depart from Smith Warehouse, at 9:00 am. Our office is 114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Bay 5, Second Floor. Enter the building through Bay 6, take the stairs to the left or go through doors and access the elevator with Bay 6 to the second floor.
DISC will make bi-weekly drop-offs to Social Security, every second and fourth Monday of the month. We depart from Smith Warehouse, at 9:00 am. Our office is 114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Bay 5, Second Floor. Enter the building through Bay 6, take the stairs to the left or go through doors and access the elevator with Bay 6 to the second floor.
Come visit KAjok’s stand at DuArt’s Winter Wonderland to do some crafts!