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Fall 2022 Class – New Member Education
Meditative Art is an opportunity to relax and be creative without the pressure of performing. We invite you to practice mindfulness and experience peace by leaving it all on paper. No experience necessary and materials will be provided. This group meets every Tuesday from 5:00PM-5:50PM in the Student Wellness Center Room 148.
Join DSP in a discussion on the professional side of the organization and the endeavors of its brothers.
Social Hosts are members of the Duke community that are required to be present at all on-campus events where alcohol is present. Social Hosts are sober, active bystanders that assist in promoting safe, social behaviors to ensure that the event ends well for all those attending. What will this workshop cover? Your role as a Social Host. How you can promote safe, social behaviors. How your…
Join us on Friday for the CML’s Friday prayer service & stay after to enjoy food and socialize! All our welcome. We hope to see you there, inshallah!
An exciting opportunity for students to learn about and join Duke DevilTHON, Duke’s premier Dance Marathon, which is Duke’s premier student-run philanthropy and the only organization fundraising for Duke Children’s Hospital. Our event culminates in a Dance Marathon in Spring, where patients and students will come together to celebrate and fundraise one last push to benefit Duke Children’s.
Scale & Coin Fall 2022 Recruitment – Resume Workshop
Join us as we read and listen to small portions of the Qur’an in Arabic. Afterwards, we will engage in group reflection and discussion of the meaning.
Duke International Student Center will drop off students and scholars at Social Security
Fall 2022 Class – New Member Education
Welcome back, everyone! Skate your way into the fall semester with DUU’s Duke@Nite Roller Rink! From 8 PM to 12 AM on the East Campus Tennis Courts, you’ll find skates, music, and more! Can’t wait to see y’all there!
Join us on Friday for the CML’s Friday prayer service & stay after to enjoy food and socialize! All our welcome. We hope to see you there, inshallah!