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Duke Stories is a space to reflect, journal, and share your personal experiences and lessons through the format of letter writing. We are in partnership with IfYou’reReadingThis, a national nonprofit dedicated to destigmatizing mental health and building a community of support through publishing personal letters online. Whether it’s about a deeply personal anecdote or something you learned walk…
Duke Stories is a space to reflect, journal, and share your personal experiences and lessons through the format of letter writing. We are in partnership with IfYou’reReadingThis, a national nonprofit dedicated to destigmatizing mental health and building a community of support through publishing personal letters online. Whether it’s about a deeply personal anecdote or something you learned walk…
Duke Stories is a space to reflect, journal, and share your personal experiences and lessons through the format of letter writing. We are in partnership with IfYou’reReadingThis, a national nonprofit dedicated to destigmatizing mental health and building a community of support through publishing personal letters online. Whether it’s about a deeply personal anecdote or something you learned walk…
Start your Spring Semester off on the right foot by joining us for our 2nd Annual Spark Your Career event on Monday, January 8th! With headshots from 10 AM to 1 PM in the Career Center (036 Bryan Center), the main event for Spark Your Career kicks off at 1:30 PM with Trivia and Snacks. The afternoon includes interactive activities with Innovation & Entrepreneurship on decision making, workshops…
Come chill at the CSGD for Hot Apple Cider and make a microwavable hand warmer! You must RSVP via DukeGroups by Jan 1 to attend.
This wellness experience will allow you to focus on your mind-body connection through restful poses, controlled breathing, and relaxation that will help you manage stress and anxiety.
This is a practice of Asana (physical movement), Pranayama (breathing exercises), and Dhyana (meditation). Each class will include mindfulness & breath control techniques, warm up movements to activate the body, a sequence of postures to maintain balance, flexibility and strength, and finally a deep relaxation experience. This is a wonderful holistic practice to engage the body, mind and spirit…
A Vinyasa flow class is a gentle yoga class for all levels that combines both yoga postures and breathing techniques. The goal of the class is to help people feel better in both their body and their mind.  This class is open to all Duke students, faculty, and staff. No registration or experience necessary. Limited yoga mats are available for use.
Give yourself the time to embark on a crafting project that allows you to be creative! This session invites you to make something that you can take with you as an ongoing reminder of how important it is to lean into your imagination. Materials will be provided, no experience necessary!
Come gather Monday evenings to meditate and connect with Buddhist Meditation Community at Duke (BMCD). Although we are rooted in Buddhist meditation, our group represents diverse faith traditions and spiritualities. Whether you are familiar with mindfulness meditation or are completely new, I hope you know that you have a place here! In our weekly gatherings, we’ll explore a range of opportu…
Did you know on any given day you can encounter an astonishing variety of wild animals right on campus? It’s true, and I’m not just talking about bugs. Or squirrels, although I love those little acorn spreaders. I’m talking about birds. In this session we will seek the liveliness of the world around us. Specifically, we will go to those underexplored margins of campus to kick up jewels that …
Come join us for English conversations on cultural perspectives, world news, local events, and more. International and domestic students, scholars, and staff are all welcome! No registration is necessary. Questions? Contact Rene Caputo,