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We hold free dance classes for kids in Durham
Duke Cru will be hosting a time of reflection and prayer for all of Duke Cru in which we will pray over and lift up the freshmen as they begin their college careers. All are welcome.
This is a weekly meeting venue for Duke BOW’s executive board.
This is a weekly meeting for Alpha Phi Omega (a separate one for pledges and members back to back) for the purposes of making sure members are aware of group events and making collective decisions.
Join us on Friday for the CML’s Friday prayer service & stay after to enjoy food and socialize! All our welcome. We hope to see you there, inshallah!
Give yourself the time to embark on a crafting project that allows you to be creative! This session invites you to make something that you can take with you as an ongoing reminder of how important it is to lean into your imagination. Materials will be provided, no experience necessary! This group meets every Wednesday from 7:00PM-8:00PM in the Student Wellness Center Room 148.
Scale and Coin Information Session #1
Duke International Student Center will drop off students and scholars at Social Security
Duke International Student Center will drop off students and scholars at Social Security
Cube members and rushees will participate in a fast-paced trivia night about entrepreneurship and other fun themes.
This wellness experience will allow you to focus on your mind-body connection through restful poses, controlled breathing, and relaxation that will help you manage stress and anxiety. This group meets every Thursday from 5:30 pm- 6:20pm in Room 148. Open to all Duke Students, faculty, and staff. No registration or experience necessary. Limited yoga mats are available for use.
Come join Christians on Campus for a Worship Service every Sunday right on Campus! We welcome believers from any background and anyone who is interested in the Christian faith or what it means to be a Christian.