Found 14167 matches
Check out our art supplies, kits, and use our space. Come create with us!
Weekly Meeting for Moot Court members
Weekly meeting of Investment Club’s Investor Training Program which teaches students the fundamentals of accounting and finance.
Come join Duke PAWS at the Wellness Center for some puppy yoga and playtime! We invite you to drop in between 4:30- 5:30PM to de-stress and take a break from your day with shelter dogs. Fall schedule: Oct. 8th | Oct. 22nd | Nov. 12th | Dec. 3rd
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (2/2)
Weekly meeting to discuss future fundraising and volunteering plans.
Brunch for student leaders to be recognized for FY23
A spiritual dinner for anyone interested in exploring Christian faith and spirituality in an open and affirming space
Come join Duke STEM Connect for our weekly general body meetings!
DSC members will volunteer at Lowe’s Grove science class.
Tutoring students at the Cristo Rey School in downtown Durham
General body meeting of Duke BioByte