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Come join Duke PAWS at the Wellness Center for some puppy yoga and playtime! We invite you to drop in between 4:30- 5:30PM to de-stress and take a break from your day with shelter dogs. Fall schedule: Oct. 8th | Oct. 22nd | Nov. 12th | Dec. 3rd
Weekly practice for Duke Quiz Bowl (2/2)
Weekly meeting to discuss future fundraising and volunteering plans.
Brunch for student leaders to be recognized for FY23
Join Duke Drone Racing as we build FPV drones, fly using our FPV simulator, and learn everything there is to know about the world of FPV and cinematic drone flight!
Acapella rehearsal
dPS Fellows conducting weekly volunteering with StudentU tutoring and gardening.
Come join NSBE for a relaxing night of holiday fun before finals season! Bring your sleeping bags and pillow and prepare for a long night of food fun and movies!
dPS Fellows volunteer with Root Causes Program Distribution Day
Come join TASA for FREE Hotpot!
Come celebrate the holidays with cookies, hot chocolate, and performances!
Annual Go Karting social to get our drivers some track time and to better get to know the full team. Open to non-members who are interested in learning more about Duke University Motorsports