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Join us for a cookie decorating fiesta, where we’ll be discussing topics close to the hearts of women and non-binary friends while getting creative for delicious treats.
Pre-med students can take a break from finals and enjoy some boba and Guasaca!
Fourth session in the Duke Real Estate Club’s training program for underclassmen.
Duke PAWS will be bringing in therapy dogs to visit students on BC Plaza in preparation for exams!
Unleash your inner business Barbie as we delve into the intersection of empowerment, ambition, and entrepreneurship! We are thrilled to have Lydia McInnes from the Women’s Center joining us to shed light on how Barbie has played a pivotal role in shaping women’s success in the business world. Prepare to immerse yourself in an engaging and interactive workshop where we encourage you to share you…
finance bootcamp for AKPsi members.
Join DSG to discuss campus concerns and learn more about how DSG exists to serve you! Food will be provided and participants will be entered into a raffle to take two friends into Group 15 for the Duke vs. Arizona game!
Event for members of the Duke Anime Club to have fun watching shows/movies.
Part of Restorying, we hope to celebrate refugeehood through painting and conversations.
Part of the Asian Student Association’s Restorying conference, we are bringing folks together to talk about their diasporic experiences through fun conversations and food.
Duke EyeServe and Duke Children’s Ambassadors Program are partnering with Club Pickleball to host a tournament! If you’re unsure about your pickleball rating, use this link!
Pumpkin themed event for members to strengthen bonds with each other