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Auditions for Hoof ‘n’ Horn’s Winter Production: Little Shop of Horrors
General Body Meeting for the Duke Red Cross to provide volunteering opportunities for club members.
In collaboration with UNC SJP, Duke SJP will be hosting a “die-in” protest with various pieces of Palestinian art visible. Please bring a towel or blanket to lay on!
Come check out our art supplies, kits, and use our space. Come create with us!
Weekly meetings to discuss editorial and website uploads.
Tutoring students at the Cristo Rey School in downtown Durham
Exec members will give small group tutoring to members.
We will gather together to read the Bible and grow in faith.
Join Jewish Life at Duke for a weekly dinner every Monday in November to discuss Israel from different experts and thought leaders. Free kosher dinner from the Freeman Center Cafe will be provided. **Topics and speakers to be announced soon.
Join us for our general body meetings where we discuss global health topics in various formats, such as lectures, seminars, panels and more.
GlobeMed is a global health club, focused on raising awareness for current global health issues. We have weekly meetings to discuss such issues and collaborate to initiate action to potentially provide aid, such as our monthly campaigns.
A time dedicated for upperclassmen to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members!