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The Line Monitors are hosting a Tenting Info Session in White Lecture Hall. We will discuss all aspects of tenting for the UNC game from how to get a tent, the tenting schedule, and fun programming events throughout the season. Those with any level of interest in tenting are encouraged to attend!
We will gather together to read the Bible and grow in faith.
The Exec body for Duke Debate has its meetings from 7-8pm on Thursdays prior to practices.
BOW event
BOW Meeting
JSU’s event of the year! latkapalooza is the largest celebration of Hanukah by a student group on campus each year. JSU will have traditional jewish food and festivities outside of Krafthouse for all duke students to come and enjoy. We will also have service opportunities, so students can help their community while enjoying the festivities.
acapella rehearsal
General Body Meetings are open to everyone! Join for social, professional, and volunteering events!
Join us at ENCounter every Thursday evening at 7:30pm in Westbrooke 0014 for a time of worship, fellowship, and engaging with the Word as we grow together in community.
Come watch student jazz musicians perform at the Wellness Center will drinking hot cocoa and decorating cookies!
Rehearsal blocks for Hoof ‘n’ Horn’s winter production, Little Shop of Horrors
Join The Archive on November 14 at 7pm in Bolton Tower Room (top floor of WU) for Salon, our annual poetry and prose reading! There will be an open mic following the scheduled performances for audience members to share their writing. This event is free to attend and all are welcome.