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Come join Duke Amnesty International to fight for human rights! We welcome new members at every meeting
Monthly General Body Meeting. Come learn about our upcoming events and meet fellow film enthusiasts!
Hoof ‘n’ Horn will be performing a staged reading of original work, Last in the Class, by Dan Elish. Working with Hoof ‘n’ Horn alumni (Martavius Parrish T ’14 and Adam Beskind T ’20)
Club practice for Duke MMA
Devils en Pointe is proud to present our annual performance of excerpts from the Nutcracker!
Auditions for potential TedXDuke speakers at our annual conference. Closed event.
Join us on our monthly volunteer trips to various shelters in the Triangle! Transportation is covered!
Unwind in the Wellness Oasis and journal with Mi Gente! There will be a short information session and workshop on journaling followed by a community reflection.
Come check out our art supplies, kits, and use our space. Come create with us!
Rehearsals for Hoof ‘n’ Horn’s winter production, Little Shop of Horrors
Preparing and serving a dinner at Durham Rescue Mission’s homeless shelter.
Come celebrate our Lord being born in song!