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This is the biweekly meeting to discuss foreign policy and upcoming club activities.
Technical workshop for members on interviewing
Jazz@ Performing at Devil’s Krafthouse on Wednesday Nights! Come get some food and drinks and listen to Jazz!
dPS Fellows conducting weekly volunteering with StudentU tutoring and gardening.
Large group is a place where we gather as a community to learn, encourage and remind each other of the ways God is good, and discern how we are called to live now and beyond college. It is a place where we are also intentional about those who may be visiting the community and faith for the first time.
Passionate about campus design and how to make it more accessible? Does the lack of accessibility and safety make you mad? Come join OUF in advocating for better spaces for all.
Well known author Jonathan Schanzer will be speaking about Israel history, the current Israel-Hamas war, and how this war will shape the future of Israeli Society.
Join the CML for our weekly Friday prayer service. The service includes a khutbah (sermon) followed by prayer. Prayer concludes by 1:30pm. Stay after for halal food and to socialize with the community!
A time dedicated for upperclassmen to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members.
Engineering Student Government sponsored social.
Weekly meetings with training in BP Format and practice rounds.
Join the CML for our weekly Friday prayer service. The service includes a khutbah (sermon) followed by prayer. Prayer concludes by 1:30pm. Stay after for halal food and to socialize with the community!