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Bill Irwin can’t escape Samuel Beckett. He has spent a lifetime captivated by the Irish writer’s language. In this intimate 90-minute evening, Irwin will explore a performer’s relationship to Beckett, mining the physical and verbal skills acquired in his years as a master clown and Tony Award-winning actor. Irwin’s approach to the comic, the tragic, to every side of Beckett’s work – including W…
Come celebrate the end of the semester with DUU Special Events and our farm-themed event! We will have goats for students to interact with as well as smores and hot chocolate to stay warm in the cold. You can even make your own stuffed animals and take home a decorated mesh bag with some apples!
We are inviting family and friends of Duke Rhydhun, as well as people in the local community interested in joining, to watch Rhydhun perform their new set that will be used on the Desi Dance Network competition circuit. The audience will watch, provide feedback, help clean the team, and ask team members about their experience on the team along with the dance’s message.
Stop by the Academic Guides’ table on Bryan Center Plaza to toss out the things from this semester that no longer serve you and leave with an affirmation!
Join us on Friday, Dec.8th at 5:00pm to hear the story of Rom El-Hai, a 29-year old Israeli from Netanya. On October 7th, Rom escaped the Nova musical festival massacre with two of his friends. 364 civilians were killed and many more wounded during the attack. Rom will share his story from that day. We’ll light Chanukah and Shabbat candles and then hear from Rom. After, we’ll celebrate Chan…
Take a break from finals studying and enjoy face masks, herbal tea, and more!
Join other grad students for a fun movie night in a private theater!
On December 10th, from 6-8 pm, Duke Diya will host a study break for the larger Diya community where students will be able to engage with the community while eating maggi.
winter event for swiftquad
A speaker event featuring Dr. Nikki Lane. Dr. Lane is a professor at Duke University. She will give us a talk based on her “Ratchet Black Lives Matter” paper.
A time dedicated for upperclassmen to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members.
Engineering Student Government sponsored social.