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We would like to collect books (textbooks, science books, English books, any sort of educational reading) in support of female education in refugee camps in Northwestern Ethiopia. We are in partnership with the Duke-UNC Peace Center and wish to send the books to women fleeing violence from Sudan, South Sudan and Eastern DRC.
This will be the last watchparty of the semester for Duke Anime. We’ll watch shows recommended by members of the club.
Come see Emma Seligman’s hit comedy classic “Bottoms” with us this Friday! We are partnering the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity to screen one of the best-hit comedies of the year! It will be screened at 7 and 10 pm in Griffith Film Theater!
Celebrating World AIDS Day to the tune of Queer Afrofuturism!
join keohane on december 2nd to watch #7 duke mbb take on GT!
The Raging Rho Chapter of the La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda, Fraternity Incorporated with Mi Gente and the Zeta Mu chapter of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. will be hosting a parrillada on Saturday, December 2nd, 2023 in Few Exterior Quad 1 from noon to 2 pm in celebration of Latinx Heritage Month. We would love to see everybody there!!!
Few Quad Council’s monthly Chew@Few serving holiday food including hot cocoa and churros
A retreat for the Black Women’s Union executive board.
A time dedicated for first years to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members.
Engineering Student Government sponsored social.
DISC will make bi-weekly drop-offs to Social Security, every second and fourth Monday of the month. We depart from Smith Warehouse, at 9:00 am. Our office is 114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Bay 5, Second Floor. Enter the building through Bay 6, take the stairs to the left or go through doors and access the elevator with Bay 6 to the second floor.
A time dedicated for upperclassmen to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members.