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Live performance by Duke’s premier sketch comedy group!
Meditative Art is an opportunity to relax and be creative without the pressure of performing. We invite you to practice mindfulness and experience peace by leaving it all on paper. No experience necessary and materials will be provided. This group meets every Tuesday from 5:00PM-5:50PM in the Student Wellness Center Room 148.
For prospective members interested in trying out for Duke Moot Court’s brief writing team! DMC Brief Writing Captain and current brief writing members will take prospective members through an example case packet and model building a brief based on the precedents given.
Dinner with DIRA recruitment event. Info Session #1 for DIRA Recruitment The Duke International Relations Association, or DIRA, is a close-knit community of politically-minded individuals who engage with the world around us through Model UN and IR-related discourse. We host two annual conferences: DISCon (our collegiate security conference) and DUMUNC (our high school conference). …
Come join us for English conversations on cultural perspectives, world news, local events, and more. International and domestic students, scholars, and staff are all welcome! No registration is necessary. Questions? Contact Rene Caputo,
Join us as we read and listen to small portions of the Qur’an in Arabic. Afterwards, we will engage in group reflection and discussion of the meaning.
Interested in performing in 9 to 5? Come audition for Hoof’n’Horn’s Fall Production from 7-11pm on August 29-September 2. See our Instagram for the sign-up sheet or sign up here: *hyperlink* (Will come back and add sign up sheet here when available)
Ever wondered what the Bible says? Come join us for a weekly time of fellowship over the Bible as we take a deep dive into what it reveals about God’s will.
2 of 2 weekly practices for Duke Quiz Bowl
This wellness experience will allow you to focus on your mind-body connection through restful poses, controlled breathing, and relaxation that will help you manage stress and anxiety. This group meets every Monday from 11:00 am- 11:50am in Room 148. Open to all Duke Students, faculty, and staff. No registration or experience necessary. Limited yoga mats are available for use.
2 of 2 weekly practices for Duke Quiz Bowl
Come to our info session to learn all about Outing Club, a student run group dedicated to showing anyone the beauty of the outdoors around NC and neighboring states!! We look forward to meeting everyone!!!