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Join us as we read and listen to small portions of the Qur’an in Arabic. Afterwards, we will reflect and discuss the meaning of the passage as a group.
A time dedicated for first years to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members.
Large Group is a service of worship in the Christian tradition. There will be singing of songs from the Christian tradition and a short talk based on a portion of the Bible. There will be an opportunity for connecting with other students. Large Group is open to Duke students of all faith backgrounds and religious identities.
General body meeting for Partners in Health Engage
A time dedicated for upperclassmen to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members.
Large group is a place where we gather as a community to learn, encourage and remind each other of the ways God is good, and discern how we are called to live now and beyond college. It is a place where we are also intentional about those who may be visiting the community and faith for the first time.
This event is a Holiday Celebration for DKU Council where we will gather with residents to celebrate the Holiday with love, happiness, and joy!
Hosted by Graduate Professional Student Services, join for information on various Duke resources and connect with Duke offices, departments, and GPSG student organizations. This fair will be helpful for any Graduate or Professional student. Whether this is your first semester or your fifth! Stop by to learn more about Duke resources and support that is available to you!
Engineering Student Government sponsored social.
A time dedicated for upperclassmen to study the Bible, ask faith questions, and bond with other members!
Join us as we read and listen to small portions of the Qur’an in Arabic. Afterwards, we will reflect and discuss the meaning of the passage as a group.
This event will feature half an hour of moderated Q & A and half an hour of audience Q & A with guest speaker Ray Takeyh.