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SHAPE Greek Life Project Team Meeting
FOR NEW MEMBERS: Join our BOW upperclassmen for a panel where we chat about career paths in industries like consulting, finance, tech, and entertainment. Panelists will discuss their thought processes for choosing various industries, their favorite aspects of their internships, and advice for approaching different recruitment processes!
SHAPE training for SLG Illyria
We are collaborating with Duke SHPE to host this event. With this event, we aim to support Latinas in STEM by providing a space to network with similar individuals, an opportunity to gain insight into preparing the best resume, and to learn from successful LTA and SHPE alumni.
Take a mental health break from exams and join us for a a Self-Care Night
Collecting donations through a social media campaign on Fridays.
Collecting donations through a social media campaign on Fridays.
BOW Impact Case Competition 2023
BOW Impact Case Competition 2023 (2)
BOW Impact Case Competition 2023 (3)
BOW Impact Case Competition 2023 (4)
BOW Impact Case Competition 2023 (5)