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Selling/tabling Insomnia Cookies on BC Plaza to help raise funds for our international partner GHNU!
Come support Club TKD and buy some baked goods!
Club bonding event for DSC members!
We will be making Japanese rice balls from scratch!
Super Bowl Watch Party with the Nu Omicron chapter of Zeta Phi Beta and the Omega Zeta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi.
We will be selling goody bags of candy that will be delivered to dorms on Valentine’s Day. The proceeds will go to support the material costs for our engineering projects.
orientation event – info session about LTA
Selling/tabling Insomnia Cookies on BC Plaza to help raise funds for our international partner GHNU!
Bake sale to subsidize Laby Blue expenses (i.e., recording, merchandise, etc.)
Weekly general body meeting for Globemed at Duke.
Weekly general body meeting for Globemed at Duke.
Our biweekly meeting this week will feature a guest speaker, Erika Wilkins, from Durham Public Schools Foundation (DPSF). Erika will talk to the fellows about education in Durham.