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Weekly general body meeting for Globemed at Duke.
Weekly general body meeting for Globemed at Duke.
Weekly chapter meeting of Duke aKDPhi
We participate in annual tech competitions to learn more about the technical aspects of cybersecurity!
Join Duke PAWS in making DIY dog toys out of old t-shirts to donate to local animal shelters! Donuts from Monuts Donuts will be provided!
Weekly chapter meeting of Duke aKDPhi
Every Nation Campus- Duke will be hosting licensed counselor and pastor Phil Bonasso to speak on the topic of mental health and the role faith plays into the mental well being of individuals, followed by a Q&A time.
Need to file taxes this year but not sure how? Come join us in Tax 101, a 3-part series to help you learn the basics of tax returns, what the forms me, and how to be more tax-smart!
Join Bench & Bar for a hands-on workshop with Dean Barley about the process of crafting your personal statements for your law school applications. If you will be applying to a deferral program Spring/Summer 2023 and/or in the regular application cycle in Fall 2023, this session is for you!
The Mixer with Muslims in the Triangle is one of the premier semesterly programming events of the Center for Muslim Life (CML) at Duke University. Geared at cultivating deeper connections and relationships between Muslims at Duke, the Triangle Muslim population, and the Muslim communities of the surrounding areas, it is one we truly cherish for its networking and community fostering. The Mix…
Need to file taxes this year but not sure how? Come join us in Tax 101, a 3-part series to help you learn the basics of tax returns, what the forms me, and how to be more tax-smart!
A movie night with sci-fi movies on astronomy related topics.