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Round 1 Recruitment event focused on making Valentine’s Day crafts for medicine, Duke Children’s Hospital, and for friends/PhiDE members.
The Duke University Chess Club is hosting a chess tournament.
We are hosting a community organizing panel/networking event for students to learn about career opportunities in that area
Come learn about Harmonies for Health! We are a student organization at Duke committed to bringing empathy and kindness to the local healthcare community through music volunteering. Our community partners in Durham include the Hillcrest Convalescent Center near East Campus and Croasdaile Village. We’ll be discussing volunteer opportunities and answering any questions!
Join us in Wekit for our biweekly Gathering!
In this class, we’ll practice using embroidery on paper to highlight the natural beauty of vintage photographs and create a new piece of art. You’ll learn the basics of embroidery and how to use the practice on materials other than fabric. We’ll have materials you can work with, or you can bring your own photos!
DBS networking 101
Venture For America is a non profit organization that runs a two-year Fellowship for graduating seniors and early career professionals. They looking for tomorrow’s startup leaders and entrepreneurs to shape the future, and provide full-time salaried jobs at startups across the USA in 13 different locations. They provide Fellows a formative professional and personal development experience, creat…
In this workshop students will experiment with acrylic paint and use a variety of techniques to create a set of three small paintings. This set will be tied together by a simple theme of the artist’s choice, while making use of layering, value blending, and a variety of brushes. All levels of experience are welcome.
Investment Club is hosting an info session on M&A advisory in collaboration with alumni at Centerview Partners.
In collaboration with Duke Muslims in Business, there will be a panel of business students that will speak to undergraduate students interested in pursuing business school or careers.
Come join Duke Diya and Mi Gente at our Valentine’s Day Mixer! It doesn’t matter if you are looking for the one or simply looking for a friend, all are welcome. We will play some exciting activities and have delicious cultural food, so don’t miss out!