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Small groups are our mini families. It is a space for us to grow and ask questions about faith, ethnicity, and college life.
BOW New Member Retreat
A semi-formal dance event
Join Duke SJP alongside NC State and UNC SJP for an afternoon filled with fun and food!
Fun, baking social event for club members or anyone interested
Build a cloud chamber! A cool experiment to learn more about ionizing radiation and particle physics!
Join Bench & Bar for a hands-on workshop with Dean Barley about the process of crafting your resume for your law school applications. If you will be applying to a deferral program Spring/Summer 2023 and/or in the regular application cycle in Fall 2023, this session is for you!
We participate in the annual tradition of re-enacting the Passion of Christ
Join us for an installment in our Speaker Series with Duke RAM founders Rishi Dasgupta (’22) and Rishabh Jain (’22).
NAQT national quizbowl championship.
Come to the CSGD to make some friendship bracelets! Persons who anticipate needing accommodations or who have questions about access may contact in advance of the program.