Found 14138 matches
National quizbowl championship
Defmo’s 21st Annual Showcase!
Come to the CSGD to make candles (not for lighting in your dorms)! While supplies last. Persons who anticipate needing accommodations or who have questions about access may contact in advance of the program.
We participate in the annual tradition of re-enacting the Passion of Christ
Join Bench & Bar for a hands-on workshop with Dean Barley about the process of crafting your resume for your law school applications. If you will be applying to a deferral program Spring/Summer 2023 and/or in the regular application cycle in Fall 2023, this session is for you!
BOW Exec Interview Days
From February 26th to March 3rd, Duke Define America is hosting a series of events as part of our Undocumented Awareness Week initiative that seeks to raise awareness among the Duke community about the lived experiences of the undocumented population in the US and thus incentivize action. “Las Abogadas” is a documentary that follows the stories of refugees and the women who represent them in th…
BOW Exec Interview Days
Interested in learning how to navigate the workplace and succeed as a new grad in the corporate world? BOW Professional Development is hosting a workshop where we will provide tips on effective communication, finding mentors, speaking up for yourself, and more. Whether you’re a senior preparing to enter the workforce in a few months or an incoming intern hoping to secure a return offer this sum…
BOW Exec Interview Days
DBS networking 101
The MSA is planning to hold a spiritual workshop in Asheville. We will be camping from March 3-5. All undergrads are welcome to attend.