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Come hear from 3 current undergraduates who took the LSAT and excelled! Check the Bench and Bar groupme for a form to crowdsource questions for the panel!
Third SAF Meeting of the Spring semester
Information session about the MCAT
Nic Net Impact is putting on a DEI Panel with environmental professionals
We want to especially invite those who are curious and exploring the Christian faith to a dinner ft. Sister Liu’s dumplings where there will be dialogue with others in the community about questions of purpose, God, and Christianity.
Upperclassmen will give advice to students on major requirements and courses related to biology, the environment, and marine science.
Bookbagging event with bubble tea
Duke Investment Club is collaborating with Grata Scholars to introduce Duke students to their fellowship opportunity and to integrate them into our recruiting pipeline.
Join Bench & Bar for a hands-on workshop with Dean Barley about the process of crafting your resume for your law school applications. If you will be applying to a deferral program Spring/Summer 2023 and/or in the regular application cycle in Fall 2023, this session is for you! Attendance is MANDATORY for future resume advising!
Catalyst/Jeff Hou Speaker Event
A fun decompressing event at Duke Gardens for students to connect and talk about the books they’re currently reading.
A tour for high school students led by SHPE.