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Join us in officially introducing the Upsilon Class of aKDPhi at our very first reveal!
Local artist Anjimile is coming to DUU Coffeehouse to perform
Practicing for 4 upcoming shows
Practicing for 4 upcoming shows
Duke Investment Club is collaborating with Grata Scholars to introduce Duke students to their fellowship opportunity and to integrate them into our recruiting pipeline.
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Home’? The Chinese characters for home and family are the same, Jia. For some, Jia is our home. It’s where we grew up and experienced many of our firsts: folding our first dumplings or tasting our first mooncakes. It’s a place of traditions, celebrating holidays, passing down family stories and recipes, and creating new rituals. However, our idea…
Practicing for 4 upcoming shows
Practicing for 4 upcoming shows
Practicing for 4 upcoming shows
Practicing for 4 upcoming shows
Duke Investment Club is collaborating with Grata Scholars to introduce Duke students to their fellowship opportunity and to integrate them into our recruiting pipeline.
The Duke Independent Film Festival presents its 2023 selection of the best undergraduate and graduate Duke student films. Hosted in the Rubenstein Arts Center Film Theater, this 9th annual event will give out awards for best picture, best director, best cinematography, and more! After the festival, there will also be a reception event with catering where you can meet the filmmakers!