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Come to aKDPhi’s Upsilon Class Installs and see our newest sisters perform and be installed!
Freewater Presentations is excited to present the Oscar winning film, ‘Women Talking’. This commentary shows what happens when the women of an isolated colony uncover a shocking secret about the men in their community. Join us on Friday 4/7 and Saturday 4/8 for screenings at 7pm and 10pm in Griffith Theater on the first floor of the Bryan Center.
Local artist Anjimile is coming to DUU Coffeehouse to perform
Building a cloud chamber with obtained materials designed to detect ionising particles from outside our atmosphere. These can include any electrically charged particle that passes through the chamber; and the amount of ionisation can be deduced from the tracks in the chamber and used to determine a particle’s properties and identity.
Session 3 of New Member Education
Come join us at our first in-person event to meet members and take part in fun activities.
The Academic committee is going to Washington DC to present report findings to the Academic Board
Duke Club Water Polo vs. NC State Club Water Polo Scrimmage at NC State
KUSA will be hosting a dinner for the community to bond together and also send off seniors who are graduating soon.
Building a cloud chamber with obtained materials designed to detect ionising particles from outside our atmosphere. These can include any electrically charged particle that passes through the chamber; and the amount of ionisation can be deduced from the tracks in the chamber and used to determine a particle’s properties and identity.
Info Session for DSG Vice President, Senator, and Class Council candidates.
Catalyst/Jeff Hou Speaker Event