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Large Group is a service of worship in the Christian tradition. There will be singing of songs from the Christian tradition and a short talk based on a portion of the Bible. There will be an opportunity for connecting with other students. Large Group is open to Duke students of all faith backgrounds and religious identities.
This is our club meeting which covers club business, project planning, committee meetings, announcements, and occasional speakers, professional development activities, and community service projects. Each week will alternate board meetings and general body meetings.
Come join Christians on Campus for a Worship Service every Sunday right on Campus! We welcome believers from any background and anyone who is interested in the Christian faith or what it means to be a Christian.
Join the Fajr Breakfast Club every weekday morning at the CML! Pray Fajr together at the CML’s prayer room. On Wednesdays, the CML will provide breakfast to enjoy afterwards! Starting Monday 8/29, the CML will provide a Duke Van to transport students to and from East Campus and the CML center on West Campus
Join us as we read and listen to small portions of the Qur’an in Arabic. Afterwards, we will engage in group reflection and discussion of the meaning.
Come join us for English conversations on cultural perspectives, world news, local events, and more. International and domestic students, scholars, and staff are all welcome! No registration is necessary. Questions? Contact Rene Caputo,
This is a welcome picnic for students interested in Christian campus ministry, sponsored by Duke’s Lutheran, Episcopal, United Methodist, and Presbyterian (PCUSA) ministries. This event, and the sponsoring student groups, affirm and celebrate the presence and leadership of LGBTQ+ students.
Join the Fajr Breakfast Club every weekday morning at the CML! Pray Fajr together at the CML’s prayer room. On Wednesdays, the CML will provide breakfast to enjoy afterwards! Starting Monday 8/29, the CML will provide a Duke Van to transport students to and from East Campus and the CML center on West Campus
Join the Fajr Breakfast Club every weekday morning at the CML! Pray Fajr together at the CML’s prayer room. On Wednesdays, the CML will provide breakfast to enjoy afterwards! Starting Monday 8/29, the CML will provide a Duke Van to transport students to and from East Campus and the CML center on West Campus
Join the Center for Muslim Life for our welcome back to campus Muslim mixer. Come mingle with Muslim-identified students, staff, and faculty and enjoy halal barbecue, a raffle games and more! Learn more about student groups that are affiliated with Duke’s Muslim population including Muslim-centered groups and cultural and identity groups.
Join us on Friday for the CML’s Friday prayer service & stay after to enjoy food and socialize! All our welcome. We hope to see you there, inshallah!
Ever wondered what the Bible says? Come join us for a weekly time of fellowship over the Bible as we take a deep dive into what it reveals about God’s will.