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What does climate innovation look like? This panel discussion attempts to reconcile our current understanding of the climate crisis and sustainability work with the knowledge, practices, and nature-based solutions of Indigenous folks across the country. How can we combine traditional views of conservation and climate mitigation, with ancestral ways of knowing and acting in connection with the …
Join us for the first garden workday / hang out of the spring! We’ll have some food, pull weeds, and prep the garden. If the weather is warm, we’ll probably plant seeds/seedlings too.
We are hosting an event on affirmative action with Professor Arcidiacono.
Learn how to make the best burger from Duke Student and Burger Child himself, Alex Leo-Guerra!
Come join us as we commemorate our Center’s namesake! Enjoy a short program showcasing Mary Lou history, jazz music and light refreshments. This event is open to students, faculty and staff! We hope to see you there!
Weekly seminars introducing Duke Aviators members to the fundamentals of general aviation and flying.
Welcome to the thirty-eighth iteration of the Duke University Model United Nations Conference (DUMUNC)! As a high school Model United Nations conference, DUMUNC will facilitate discussion, debate, and education about pressing foreign policy issues over a three-day period of competition and fun. More information is available here.
Weekly seminars introducing Duke Aviators members to the fundamentals of general aviation and flying.
Weekly seminars introducing Duke Aviators members to the fundamentals of general aviation and flying.
Weekly seminars introducing Duke Aviators members to the fundamentals of general aviation and flying.
Music showcase by members of Duke Sangeet
The Career Center, Duke Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Jewish Life at Duke are pleased to welcome Stuart Weitzman, the world-renowned shoe designer and philanthropist, to campus for a seminar on his many insights on entrepreneurship and product design and lead a lively discussion followed by audience Q&A. Stuart Weitzman’s passion for design has been a lifelong pursuit, leading to the in…