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Don’t let an interview question catch you off guard again! Learn how to think on your feet and how and when to jump in for group conversations or meetings. Prepare for the unknown and get comfortable with the uncomfortable with this fun and interactive improvisation for business led by Theater Studies professor Jody McAuliffe. Limited seats available, sign up now!
Define America will be holding a lobbying 101 event for students that are interested in learning how to lobby.
How to Blow Up a Pipeline is an incendiary environmental thriller that is part high-stakes heist, part radical exploration of direct action in climate activism. The film, co-written by a Duke graduate student (Jordan Sjol), premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival to critical acclaim and was acquired by NEON (Parasite, Triangle of Sadness). Duke is proud to host NEON for an early sc…
Join us for information about BSAI and how the events will run.
Join the Alexander Hamilton Society on March 28th at 7 PM ET in Reuben-Cooke 126 for a moderated discussion with Michael Sobolik on the future of U.S. – China relations. All are welcome.
The goal of the event is twofold: support students as they navigate through registration for the upcoming 2023 Spring semester and build a strong foundation for comradeship between students at Duke. The concept is one of togetherness, building community and creating space for mutual learning.
Come out and bring something white to tye dye with us!
Creating space to share good food, nature knowledge, and build relationships between the graduate club, NicNats, and the undergraduate club, Wild Ones.
The Wild Ones is collaborating with Nic Nats for a Naturalist Lunch!!!! We’ll have FREE food, activities like a slackline, spikeball, and board games on the lawn, and a mini BioBlitz with potential FREE PRIZES!! Plus, this is an awesome chance to connect with undergrad/grad students who also lovvvvee nature as much as all of you beautiful people do 🙂 Drop by and say hi even if you can’t stay f…
A meeting celebrating women’s history month that talks about feminist literature.
Book Club and Refreshments
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