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Join us for a night of FABULOUS performances, featuring Sand Pact, Miss B Haven, and Twinka Masala!
Students will break their fasts with a meal together during the month of Ramadan
Join the Duke Women’s Center and DUU at the Devil’s Krafthouse on Thurs. March 30 for some trivia fun! Test your knowledge of feminism and women’s history with trivia questions themed for Women’s History Month. Hosted by DUU and the Women’s Center interns.
Come celebrate the classic LDOC tradition of Silent Disco on Abele Quad! We’re excited to be raising money at this event for LDOC’s Philanthropy partner, StudentU. This event is BYO!
Learn more about searching for housing options near campus and talk to apartments and property management companies.
Curious about Duke’s waste protocols? Are you interested in improving composting and waste management in campus dining spaces? Looking for an easy one-time volunteer gig? Join DSG, Environmental Alliance (EA), Green Devils, Duke Dining, and other campus environmental orgs from 1-5pm on Thursday, April 6th, for the third annual waste audit on Abele Quad. We will be collecting and analyzing th…
Celebrate Passover on April 6th with a Passover Seder! Join JLD at the Freeman Center – Registration is open now!
Freewater Presentations, in collaboration with Duke Independent Film Festival (DIFF), will be screening The Territory, an award-winning environmental documentary that follows the indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau community in their fight to protect their territory in the Amazon rainforest against aggressive illegal land grabs from farmers and settlers. Join us at 9 pm in Griffth Theater on April 6th to…
SOA will be helping the Ellerbe Creek Watershed to remove invasive species in celebration of Earth Day!
United in Praise will be praising the Lord through song to help Antioch Baptist Church celebrate their anniversary!
Seniors, never got a chance to see the lemurs during your time at Duke? Now’s your chance! Senior donors to Jewish Life at Duke are invited to celebrate their senior year with Lox and Lemurs! Join us for a full-spread bagel brunch on the Freeman Center Patio and then head to our exclusive guided walking tour at the Duke Lemur Center. Interested? Make a senior gift to Jewish Life at Duke at www….
Celebrate Israel’s Independence Day with a party at the Freeman center. Come out for free Israeli dinner, fun Israel activities, and dancing!